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12,000 B.C. to 9,400 B.C.~ The Atlantean colonies of Mars


10,000 B.C. to 9,399 B.C.

War comes (again) to Mars, via the Atlanteans and others.


The Mahabharata~Atlantean war spreads through the Solar System. Mars and the other inner planets know war, and suffer destruction once again. For more coverage of what happened to Earth at this time, visit

The Atlanteans of the previous ascending Yuga not only celebrated Knowledge and it's subset of science, they also were explorers of outer Nature. Many felt the need for some sort of outer expansion, due the limited land mass of the post Great Flood 7 islands. Long looking out over the Solar system, Mars again beckoned the humans of Earth. Before long, a small Atlantean colony was established on Mars, after agreement were made with the local indigenous intelligence (the Mars greys). The Martians remembered the trade that used to occur between themselves and the Lemurians 2 epochs ago, but the Atlanteans did not remember this.

10,000 B.C. to 9,399 B.C.

War comes (again) to Mars, via the Atlanteans and others.


The Mahabharata~Atlantean war spreads through the Solar System.  Mars and the other inner planets know war, and suffer destruction once again.   For more coverage of what happened to Earth at this time, visit